Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Short set of pics : Mini-gts in the house Part 2

Here's second part of this set. Sorry for the delay

- Kiss me honey!

The growth effect was unexpected, after several orgasms this girl became even bigger than before. Her libido had grown as well.

- Just one more time, I want more!
- Can't...move...


Anonymous said...

Those are great! Saw them earlier on DA already. Any chance that you are continuing LLL? The story had some kind of a cliffhanger... just started to get interesting :o).

Anonymous said...

Вот и нерусский человек тебе то же пишет, что и я на форуме. Взял, на самом интересном месте стал распыляться.. :) Вон скока продолжения LLL нету уже... А вот этот пост ничего так.. Тока бы к нему предыдущих картинок неплохо, там где масштабы еще изначальные у девушки :)

trinket999 said...

I love it, Amoneo! This is really turning my crank. So to speak.